Image Recognition

(live long, prosper, and watch out for cats)

cat detectors rule



  • Input Representation
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
    • Convolution, Activation, Pooling
  • Architectures
    • Image Classification
    • Object Detection

Image Recognition Tasks

cat detectors


Image Representation: Tensor

  • 3 channels: 'rgb'
  • rows: image height
  • columns: image width


  • Channels-first: channel, rows, columns
  • Channels-last: rows, columns, channels

Walkthrough - Image Tensors

In this walkthrough, we will read an image from file and examine the data.


Install the Python image library from your conda environment:

conda install pillow
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# read an image file
demo ='assets/image/cat.jpg') # source:

# check whether this is RGB or BGR
# so that we can input the images correctly to our neural network
print('channel ordering:', demo.mode)

# display the image
plt.title('moar food')
In [ ]:
# examine the numpy array
demo_arr = np.array(demo)

print('shape:', demo_arr.shape)
print('data type:', demo_arr.dtype)
print('rank:', demo_arr.ndim)
In [ ]:
# since the sides of the picture are the same boring color
# inspect the (roughly) middle 5 rows and columns
midpoint_row = int(demo_arr.shape[0] / 2)
midpoint_col = int(demo_arr.shape[1] / 2)

demo_arr[midpoint_row:midpoint_row+5, midpoint_col:midpoint_col+5, :]
In [ ]:
# resize the image to 224 by 224
demo.thumbnail((224, 224), resample=Image.BICUBIC)

# display the image
plt.imshow(demo, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('moar smaller (224x224)')
In [ ]:
# examine the numpy array again
demo_arr = np.array(demo)


# notice the difference in values from previously
midpoint_row = int(demo_arr.shape[0] / 2)
midpoint_col = int(demo_arr.shape[1] / 2)
demo_arr[midpoint_row:midpoint_row+5, midpoint_col:midpoint_col+5, :]

A histogram is sometimes helpful to visualize the colour distribution of a given channel

In [ ]:
# order: RGB
red_channel = demo_arr[:, :, 0]
green_channel = demo_arr[:, :, 1]
blue_channel = demo_arr[:, :, 2]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(20, 10))

# flatten the [row_size, col_size] matrix into a vector of [row_size * col_size]
# we just need to count the raw pixel values for the histogram,
# so it doesn't matter where they are located.
ax[0].hist(red_channel.flatten(), 256, range=(0,256), color='red')
ax[1].hist(green_channel.flatten(), 256, range=(0,256), color='green')
ax[2].hist(blue_channel.flatten(), 256, range=(0,256), color='blue')

fig.suptitle('Histogram of input image')


  • Image Classification: labels
  • Object Detection: labels + bounding boxes
  • Instance Segmentation: labels + boundaries

Problem: many input features $\rightarrow$ many parameters

224 x 224 pixel colour image: 224 x 224 x 3 = 150528 features

Dimensionality reduction may help, but there's a better way....


  • Reduces parameter space
  • Looks at localized, spatial information



Convolution - Hyperparmeters

  • Kernel size: size of the window (pixels)
  • Stride: how many pixels to slide the window
  • Depth: how many filters to use
  • Padding: whether to keep the output size the same as input size

Kernel size = (2, 2), Stride = 1



Depth = number of filters

depth col


Padding = same



Padding = valid (none)



Activity - Convolution Hyperparameters

  1. Run and watch the example in the next cell.

  2. Fill in the corresponding hyperparameters

    • Kernel Size =
    • Stride =
    • Depth =
    • Padding =
In [ ]:
# Source:
from IPython.display import HTML

HTML('<iframe src=conv-demo.html width=800 height=700></iframe>')

Walkthrough - 2D Convolution

In this walkthrough, we will convolve our demo image with a kernel that performs edge detection.


In [ ]:
# convert our input image to greyscale (1 channel)
demo_grey = demo.convert(mode='L')

plt.imshow(demo_grey, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('moar grey')
In [ ]:
from scipy.signal import convolve2d

# edge-detection kernel
kernel = np.array([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,8,-1],[-1,-1,-1]])

# we use 'valid' which means we do not add zero padding to our image
edges = convolve2d(demo_grey, kernel, mode='valid')

plt.title('moar edges')

Convolutional Block

Generally, 3 stages:

  1. Convolutional Layer
  2. Activation Layer
  3. Pooling Layer

Sometimes 1 & 2 will repeat a few times before 3.

Activation Layer

The output of convolution is typically passed through an "activation" function, so that it can model non-linearity:


  • linear (= no activation)
  • sigmoid
  • tanh
  • Rectified Linear Units, leaky ReLU, Parametric ReLU, Exponential Linear Units

Walkthrough - Activation Functions

Let's see what happens when we pass our convolved edge detected image through various activation functions.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np

input_arr = edges


$f(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$

In [ ]:
def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

plt.title('edges + sigmoid')
In [ ]:
# inspect somewhere in the middle of image (that's not black)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
plt.title('edges + tanh')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:


$f(x) = max(0, x)$

In [ ]:
def relu(x):
    return np.maximum(x, 0)

plt.title('edges + ReLU')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:

Leaky ReLU

$f(x) = \begin{cases} x & if\,x > 0 \\ 0.01x & otherwise \end{cases}$

In [ ]:
def leaky_relu(x):
    return np.where(x > 0, x, x * 0.01)

plt.title('edges + Leaky ReLU')
In [ ]:

Pooling Layer

  • Summarizes the activations
    • Take the maximum of a window size: Max pooling
    • Take the average of a window size: Average pooling

Pooling Layer

  • Translation invariances:
    • Robust to shifts in locations of pixels within that window
  • Downsampling:
    • Compressing and summarizing inputs into next layers
    • Pass the highest activation, or the average activations to the next layer

Walkthrough - Pooling

Let's see what happens when we pass our convolved + activated image through various pooling functions.


Install the skimage library in your conda environment:

conda install scikit-image
In [ ]:
from skimage.measure import block_reduce

def max_pool(x, pool_size=(2, 2)):
    return block_reduce(x, pool_size, np.max)

def average_pool(x, pool_size=(2, 2)):
    return block_reduce(x, pool_size, np.mean)
In [ ]:
plt.title('edges + sigmoid + max pool')

print('Original shape:', edges.shape)
print('After activation:', sigmoid(edges).shape)

# (2, 2) will halve the size of the output
print('After max pooling (2, 2):', max_pool(sigmoid(edges)).shape)

Max Pool

pool_size=(2, 2) means that it takes a 2x2 square and outputs 1 number.

The number is the maximum of the 4 numbers in that 2x2 square.

If the size is not divisible by pool_size, there are two choices:

  • With zero padding: pad by zeros to make the size divisible. Then perform MaxPooling operation
  • Without zero padding: behavior is not defined. Some libraries will drop these "edge" values.
In [ ]:
edges[70:71] # somewhere in middle of image
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
print('Before maxpool', sigmoid(edges)[70:71].shape)
print('After maxpool (shape / 2)', max_pool(sigmoid(edges))[70:71].shape)

Average Pool

pool_size=(2, 2) means that it takes a 2x2 square and outputs 1 number.

The number is the average of the 4 numbers in that 2x2 square.

If the size is not divisible by the pool size, there are two choices:

  • With zero padding: pad by zeros to make the size divisible. Then perform MaxPooling operation
  • Without zero padding: behavior is not defined. Some libraries will drop these "edge" values.
In [ ]:
plt.title('edges + sigmoid + average pool')
In [ ]:
plt.title('edges + relu + max pool')
In [ ]:
plt.title('edges + relu + average pool')

Regularization Layers

These layers are common in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks:

  • Dropout
  • Batch Normalization


  • Randomly setting some layer inputs to 0 during training to reduce overfitting.
  • No-op during prediction

Batch Normalization

  • Avoid saturating non-linearities by normalizing the input to the next layer
  • Normalizing is done per minibatch
  • Speeds up training

Batch Normalization - Training

batch norm

(image: Batch Normalization Paper)

Batch Normalization - Prediction

  • Minibatch mean and variance don't apply at prediction time
  • Instead, "population" mean and variance is computed and stored from training
  • Batch Norm layer will use the population mean and variance for prediction


  • Image Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Instance Segmentation

ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)

ImageNet Progress

over the years

(image: Alex Conway)

Workshop: Image Classification CNNs

In this workshop, we'll explore a couple of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that are trained for ImageNet to perform accurate image classification.

We'll classify an image with the VGG16 model.

Note that the weights are stored separately from the implementation.

In [ ]:
from keras.applications import VGG16

vgg16 = VGG16()

Download Image

  1. Download an image from the web. It can be any well-known image format such as PNG or JPEG.
  2. Update the path variable to point to your image
In [ ]:
# update this path to your own image
path = 'assets/image/cat.jpg'

Pre-process image

  1. Resize the crop the image into height: 224, width: 224
    • These dimensions are specified by the neural network as the default input size
  2. Pre-process the image using VGG16.preprocess_input
  3. Prepend an extra axis to match the input shape that the model expects
In [ ]:
def resize_and_crop_image(image_path, width, height):
    """Resizes and crops an image to the desired size
        image_path: path to the image
        width: image width
        height: image height
        the resulting image
    from PIL import Image, ImageOps
    img =
    img =, (width, height))
    return img
In [ ]:
# Preprocess image input
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array
from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input, decode_predictions

img = resize_and_crop_image(path, 224, 224)
x = img_to_array(img)
x = preprocess_input(x)
print('Original image shape:', x.shape)

# The model expect images in a batch, because it's trained that way
# Add an extra first axis
x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
print('Expected input shape', x.shape)

Predict and decode predictions

  1. Run the VGG16.predict method on the pre-processed image.
  2. Use the VGG16.decode_predictions method to translate the raw predicted values into class labels.
In [ ]:
y = vgg16.predict(x)

# display the image
plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest')
plt.title('Test image')

# display the predictions
print('Raw predictions:')

print('Decoded predictions:')
print(decode_predictions(y, top=5))

Exercise: Choose your own Image Classification CNN

  1. Pick another CNN from this list:
    • Note: we are using models from keras.applications. The next workshop will cover using a keras model from a third-party source.
  2. Repeat the steps above to:
    • Examine the model by getting its summary
    • Resize, crop, and preprocess the image using that model's preprocess_input method.
    • For best results, stick to the input size that is documented for the model
    • Get raw predictions
    • Decode the predictions using that model's decode_predictions method.

Can you find a model that performs better than VGG16?

In [ ]:
# Your code here

Workshop: Object Detection CNN

In this workshop, we'll explore an Object Detection CNN.

Object detection CNNs are not part of keras.applications, so we need to download the models separately, and then load it into keras.

We'll try this model:

This is a keras wrapper for the YOLO (you only look once) v3 model:

Clone the keras-yolo3 repository

From a command window:

git clone

Download pre-trained YOLO v3 weights

Download into your keras-yolo3 folder.

Note: This file is 237MB, and may take a few minutes to download. While we are waiting, you can run the next cell (Examine YOLO v3 architecture).

Examine YOLO v3 architecture

(This step can be done in parallel with the download.)

Open yolov3.cfg in the keras-yolo3 folder in a text editor.

Scroll through the file, and you should recognize a few keywords. This config file defines the YOLO v3 architecture.

Here's how the hyperparameters are set for one of the many convolutional blocks:


The above describes a convolutional block with:

  • depth 64
  • kernel size 3
  • stride 2
  • padding "same"
  • batch normalization
  • leaky ReLU activation
  • no pooling layer

These design choices are specific to this architecture.

Convert into Keras model


Launch an Anaconda Prompt:

activate mldds03
cd keras-yolo3
python yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data\yolo.h5

MacOS / Ubuntu:

From a terminal window:

source activate mldds03
cd keras-yolo3
python yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data/yolo.h5

If successful, you should see this:

Parsing section yolo_2
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, None, None, 3 0
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)               (None, None, None, 3 864         input_1[0][0]
batch_normalization_1 (BatchNor (None, None, None, 3 128         conv2d_1[0][0]
leaky_re_lu_1 (LeakyReLU)       (None, None, None, 3 0           batch_normalization_1[0][0]


batch_normalization_72 (BatchNo (None, None, None, 2 1024        conv2d_74[0][0]
leaky_re_lu_58 (LeakyReLU)      (None, None, None, 1 0           batch_normalization_58[0][0]
leaky_re_lu_65 (LeakyReLU)      (None, None, None, 5 0           batch_normalization_65[0][0]
leaky_re_lu_72 (LeakyReLU)      (None, None, None, 2 0           batch_normalization_72[0][0]
conv2d_59 (Conv2D)              (None, None, None, 2 261375      leaky_re_lu_58[0][0]
conv2d_67 (Conv2D)              (None, None, None, 2 130815      leaky_re_lu_65[0][0]
conv2d_75 (Conv2D)              (None, None, None, 2 65535       leaky_re_lu_72[0][0]
Total params: 62,001,757
Trainable params: 61,949,149
Non-trainable params: 52,608
Saved Keras model to model_data\yolo.h5
Read 62001757 of 62001757.0 from Darknet weights.

A few interesting things:

  • This is a big model (62 million parameters)
  • The architect of this network decided to insert batch normalization between the convolutional layer and its activation
  • Pooling is not in use at all

Next, let's use the model to perform object detection on images and videos.

Image detection


Enter an input image filename, and you should get something like this:


Video detection

Video detection works by processing the image, one frame at a time.

Setup - OpenCV

To run video detection, you need to install OpenCV

conda install opencv


conda install -c conda-forge opencv

[Optional] Setup - openh264

To display detection boxes embedded in the video, download the libopenh264 codec:

  1. Download
  2. Extract the .bz2 (on Windows, use Winzip or WinRAR)
  3. Copy openh264-1.6.0-win64msvc.dll to the keras-yolo3 folder

This is just for display purposes. The model will still detect objects without this.

  1. Download a video (in the smallest resolution you can find), for example:

  2. Run the video detector

python video.mp4 output.mp4

Here's an example output for an example video:


Found 7 boxes for img
truck 0.50 (19, 282) (250, 538)
car 0.46 (320, 374) (393, 435)
car 0.57 (221, 355) (343, 435)
car 0.65 (386, 381) (488, 442)
car 0.74 (19, 282) (250, 538)
car 0.92 (554, 354) (833, 526)
person 0.72 (498, 354) (566, 464)
(416, 416, 3)
Found 6 boxes for img
car 0.51 (322, 374) (391, 434)
car 0.69 (386, 382) (485, 442)
car 0.77 (219, 354) (340, 435)
car 0.90 (16, 282) (260, 538)
car 0.92 (553, 353) (835, 526)
person 0.75 (499, 353) (566, 465)
(416, 416, 3)
Found 6 boxes for img
car 0.70 (322, 375) (393, 434)
car 0.78 (390, 382) (483, 443)
car 0.86 (14, 285) (265, 539)
car 0.91 (220, 354) (338, 440)
car 0.92 (553, 353) (834, 527)
person 0.91 (495, 349) (565, 466)
(416, 416, 3)
Found 7 boxes for img
truck 0.58 (9, 290) (268, 536)
car 0.68 (18, 304) (286, 524)
car 0.71 (323, 375) (395, 434)
car 0.86 (390, 382) (483, 444)
car 0.90 (219, 355) (340, 440)
car 0.92 (554, 354) (834, 527)
person 0.87 (495, 349) (565, 464)
(416, 416, 3)

Object Detection using YOLO

yolo detection


In [ ]:
import os

keras_yolo3_path = 'D:/tmp/keras-yolo3/model_data' # update to your path

# trained weights
model_path = os.path.join(keras_yolo3_path, 'yolo.h5')

# anchors
anchors_path = os.path.join(keras_yolo3_path, 'yolo_anchors.txt')

# classes
classes_path = os.path.join(keras_yolo3_path, 'coco_classes.txt')

These are the pre-defined anchors, chosen to be representative of the ground truth detection boxes.

These are found using K-means clustering.

In [ ]:
with open(anchors_path, 'r') as f:

These are the classes of objects that the detector will recognize.

In [ ]:
with open(classes_path, 'r') as f:

Finally, this is the model architecture, as seen by keras.

In [ ]:
from keras.models import load_model

# This file is really huge, so may take some time to load
yolo_model = load_model(model_path, compile=False)

Reading List

Material Read it for URL
Deep Learning - Chapter 9.2: Motivation (p 329-335) 3 motivations for convolution
Deep Learning - Chapter 9.3: Motivation (p 335-339) The idea behind pooling
Bounding box object detectors: understanding YOLO, You Look Only Once An overview of YOLO